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Q) English should not be taught at elementary schools. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people strongly believe that English should be taught at elementary schools, but in my view, English should not be taught at elementary schools for the following two reasons.
Firstly, students should be able to use Japanese correctly. If English is taught at elementary schools, students will not be able to use Japanese correctly. This may lead to a lack of essential skills to use Japanese wisely. Therefore, I think English should not be taught at elementary schools.
Secondly, not all the students will use English in the future. Many adults expect their kids to play an important role in the world in the future and believe that English should be taught at elementary schools. However, it is only a limited number of students that will work abroad using English. Other subjects such as mathematics and science should be taught first. This is why I think English should not be taught at elementary schools.
In conclusion, English should not be taught at elementary schools for these reasons.
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