In a University of Pennsylvania study, one group learned about a little girl who was star( 4 ) to death, a( 6 ) learned about millions dying of hunger, and a th( 3 ) learned about both situations. People donated more than twice ( 2 ) much money when hearing about ( 3 ) little girl as when hearing the stat( 6 )—and even the group who'd heard her story in the context of the bigger tragedy donated l( 3 ). Psychologists think that we're wired to help the person in front of us, but when the problem feels too b( 2 ), we fig( 3 ) our little part isn't doing much.
(Question 18)
The history of Japan’s national anthem spa( 2 ) more than a thousand years. Kimigayo is a tanka poem, made of f( 3 ) sections of 5-7-5-7-7 sound units respec( 6 ). These have been written literally since records began with the 8th Century Man’yoshu, Japan’s first poetry antho( 4 ).
Before the Heian Era, tanka had already become the dominant poetic form in Japan and fallen out of fashion ( 2 ) favor of Chinese poetry (called kanshi), and then came full cir( 3 ) as Japan stopped sending envoys to China and started to look inw( 3 ) culturally.
A renewed focus on waka (Japanese poetry) le( 1 ) the Heian Era to become one of the most fruitful for Japanese liter( 5 ), especially in the imperial court. This period gave birth ( 2 ) the novel form, as we( 2 ) as poetry written among the court for everything ( 4 ) personal letters to the emperor’s coronation.
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