Duolingo 穴埋め問題 8回目

Posted: 2021/07/06 | By: 高橋 拓実





例)He beh(  4  ) badly, so his mother go(  1  ) angry. 
  => He behaved badly, so his mother got angry.


挑戦=>解答確認=>解説 の順で学習してみてください。難易度は1~10の中から主観で選んでいます。

(Question 15)
Uranus was offici(  4  ) discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1781. It is too dim to (  4  ) been seen by ancestors. (  2  ) first Herschel thought it was a com(  2  ), but several years later it was confirmed as a planet. Interestingly, Uranus turns on i(  2  ) axis, taking 17 hours and 14 minutes per rota(  4  ).

Uranus is often referred (  2  ) as an "ice giant" planet. It has a hydrogen upper layer, which has helium mix(  2  ) in. Below that (  2  ) an icy mantle, wh(  3  ) surrounds a rock and ice core. The upper atmosphere is made (  2  ) water, ammonia and the methane ice crystals that give the p(  5  ) its pale blue color. 

(Question 16)

Using the right pronouns is an important part of respec(  4  ) a person's identity. By asking and using a person's pronouns, you show respect for the diver(  4  ) of gender identities and promote awar(  5  ) of transgender and gender nonconfor(  4  ) communities. This also prevents assumptions (  4  ) being made about a person's gender identity, and more importantly, fost(  3  ) an affirming space for people's identities.

Xe/Xem/Xir is a set of gender neu(  4  ) pronouns that some people and organizations have adopted. You would say "(  2  ) is hungry" instead of "He/She is hungry". The reality is that it is relatively rare to come ac(  4  ) this set of pronouns, because of a la(  2  ) of awareness, fragmentation of proposed pronouns, and the difficulty (  2  ) understanding how to pronounce some of the pronouns. On the fl(  2  ) side, the use of the singular "they/them/theirs" (  2  ) gender neutral pronouns is gaining adoption. 




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